Sketches, Doodles, & Cetera — Printables & Downloads
Scrapbooking Printable: Friday the 13th Cat
Art & Illustration Printables & Downloads

Desktop Wallpaper: Apple Picking
Art & Illustration Digital Downloads Pattern Design Printables & Downloads

A few weeks ago, I went out apple picking with my husband and our dog. We went to the Hood River Fruit Loop, and it was a most idyllic day, with beautiful blue skies (a rarity in October in Oregon). I was inspired to make a new repeating pattern, which I added to the Spoonflower shop, and I wanted to share it here as a desktop background as well. You can grab the file at the bottom of this post. (I threw a pear, and Roofus thought it was a tennis ball. When he ran to catch it, he was...
Embroidery Pattern: Stumpwork Tombstone & Ghost
Art & Illustration Embroidery Hand Lettering Printables & Downloads Tutorials

Printable: Miniature Tarot Cards
Miniatures Printables & Downloads Witchcraft

Print: No Power in the 'Verse
Art & Illustration Digital Prints Hand Lettering Printables & Downloads

I just can't stop with the quotes! I've been mentally collecting quotes for so long, just waiting for the skills to do something with them. Turns out, doing something with them is just the practice I need to have the skills. Funny how that works.
This little line from the TV show Firefly is something I repeat to myself quite often. Things may slow me down from time to time, but there's no stopping this train.