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Sketches, Doodles, & Cetera — Printables & Downloads

Embroidery Pattern: Ugly Xmas Sweater Cat

Art & Illustration Embroidery Printables & Downloads

Embroidery Pattern: Ugly Xmas Sweater Cat

If you're in the mood to learn a bunch of new embroidery stitches and to celebrate your love of ugly Christmas sweaters, you're in luck! Stitch along with this embroidery sampler to try your hand at nine different embroidery techniques.

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Printable: Felt Blythe Cape Pattern

Miniatures Printables & Downloads

Printable: Felt Blythe Cape Pattern

When the weather starts to cool off, I always get in the mood for hand stitching and felt. There's just something so cozy about working with my hands like that.

Tiny objects are best for hand stitching, so I decided to make my Blythe doll a few capes to wear. I made the pattern into a PDF so you can try it, too.

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Printable: Miniature Loteria Cards

Miniatures Printables & Downloads

Printable: Miniature Loteria Cards

Today I'm getting together with some friends for a dolly meet. Every time the Portland Blythe community gets together, there is a theme, and the theme of today's meet is Piñatas. I have made it my goal to make a new printable for each of the dolly meets' themes (see my Springtime theme and my Valentine theme), and a piñata party seemed like a good fit for a set of Lotería cards. (The excellent kitty dress in the photo below was made by my good friend Julie for my birthday this year. I had a cat-themed birthday party, and she wanted to make sure that my dolly...

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Printable: Miniature Passport

Miniatures Printables & Downloads

Printable: Miniature Passport

Summertime always gets me into the mood to travel, which inspired this miniature printable. Tiny creatures and dolls must get the traveling bug, too, right? The Blythe-sized train dress is my own creation, and the tiny suitcase was made using a tutorial I found on Design Sponge. The teensy suitcase was just too perfect not to include in this photoshoot. Don't you think? You can print out your own miniature passports for whatever tiny travels you have in mind using the files at the end of this post. Files: • Download Blythe Passport Printable (PDF) - prints on 8.5" x 11" paper• Set...

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Printable: Ex Libris Ghost Bookmarks and Bookplates

Art & Illustration Printables & Downloads

Printable: Ex Libris Ghost Bookmarks and Bookplates

I'm always in the middle of way too many books at any given time, and I've found myself in need of more bookmarks. I tend to use random scraps of paper or business cards from friends, but that's just not as fun as a proper bookmark.

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