Sketches, Doodles, & Cetera — Printables & Downloads
Embroidery Pattern: Venn Diagram Love
Art & Illustration Embroidery Hand Lettering Printables & Downloads

Printable: Miniature Seed Packets
Art & Illustration Gardening Miniatures Printables & Downloads

Embroidery Pattern: Flying Bee
Art & Illustration Embroidery Printables & Downloads

We've been working to get bees at our house, which I've been very excited about. I seem to have bees on the brain when I sketch, so I couldn't resist a little bee-broidery. I enjoyed stitching this little bee, and I like that I have a good way now to sew up a tiny bee, which will come in handy for some future stitching projects. I had one idea that I'd been working on with little bees flying out of something, but they looked more like flies and stink lines. I'm looking forward to trying again with my newfound skills....
Embroidery Pattern: Rabbit
Art & Illustration Embroidery Printables & Downloads

Printable: Color Me Springy!
Art & Illustration Miniatures Printables & Downloads

I recently found a pack of tiny tiny colored pencils, and I needed a reason to have purchased them. My solution: a tiny tiny coloring book, of course. Perhaps some of you have the same problem (it could happen), so I made the little coloring book into a printable. They come in sets of two (as it turns out, filling an entire 8.5" x 11" page with such tiny drawings is a bit tricky), so print one for yourself and one for a friend (human or doll), and enjoy! Files:• Download the Miniature Coloring Book here (PDF) - prints on 8.5" x 11" paper•...